I keep coming back to this post, and telling myself to keep out of it, don't start a flame war -- but I just can't do it anymore.

Without ABS, you can lock which helps braking in ice and snow.


Having lived in Alaska for the last 48 years ("We have four seasons just like anyplace else -- June, July, August, and Winter") I daresay I have probably had more experience driving on ice and snow than anybody else on this bbs. I am ready to wager serious money: You bring the car of your choice without ABS to my neighborhood I'll bring my ABS equipped station wagon out and we'll have a little stopping contest. Assuming comparable tires (in terms of studs or lack thereof and rubber compound) I guarantee my car will stop in less distance than yours on snow and ice.

You lock your wheels up, and you might as well have your car riding on ice skates instead of tires. Accurasquirrel noted that skillful driving can help stop on ice, and he's right: if you are skillful enough, you can pump the brakes, keep the wheels right on the verge of lockup but never allow them to actually slide, and you'll stop pretty quick. But you can't pump your brakes upwards of 20-30 times per second the way my ABS computer can.

In a true panic stop situation (I'm talking about actuall pee-your-pants panic because that fuel oil truck just pulled out in front of you and it's ICY out!) where you aren't thinking calmly and rationally but instead just standing on the brake pedal, ABS will save your ass. The car will steer, and it will slow down faster than you could do it without ABS.

There is only one situation I know of where ABS might be disadvantageous, and that is in sand or loose gravel, where locked up wheels could actually stop you quicker because the sand/gravel will then pile up in front of the tires, aiding in the deceleration.

People who disparage antilock brakes are of the same mentality as the ones who back in the early 60's were claiming seat belts were dangerous because what if your car caught on fire, they would keep you from getting out quickly.

OK, let the flames begin....

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"