If God wanted us to walk around naked, we would be born that way

Then, what is wrong with commercialized nudity of, say, a model who sells his/her looks

Of course the understanding here is that we're coming from two different perspectives, and I'm going to try and not get too deep into it (though I always fail at that don't I?). The following of course flows out of a religious conviction I fully expect most people don’t share.

I think that the root problem is lust, or the aforementioned “objectification of a person”. This doesn’t simply mean “promoting a person’s gifts” such as a pretty face or a good voice. When using pornography men (or women) experience the trappings of intimacy without the substance of it. This is not how sexual attraction was meant to be exhibited. Sex is a wonderful, intimate experience between a husband and a wife where two people physically express their relationship to one another. When sex becomes a one-sided experience, however, it is turned from a positive experience into a negative one.

How all this relates to nudity? The truth is that in a perfect world there would be no lust, and therefore public nudity would not be an issue (see the Garden of Eden before the apple incident). However we do lust (or most of us do) and therefore there is a problem. You can argue (correctly) that the human body can be admired in a non-lustful way, but it’s fairly clear that the pictures posted above, and pornography in general, are attempting to play upon lustful desires: these women’s bodies are being used by men to satisfy sexual desires without regard to the women themselves. I don’t know about nudist colonies, having never been to one. I know that I would be probably very lustful with a bunch of naked women around, but I think that perhaps nudist colonies aren’t intended to promote wanton lustful desires (or maybe they are, someone who knows more can tell me).

I could say more, but that’s about the core of my feelings on the subject. I’m already sounding pretty judgmental, but really I’m just stating how I see sex and nudity from my belief system. If you think that lust is natural and good (or at least not bad), then clearly my above arguments carry no weight. I, of course, do think that lust is not a good thing and thus feel that promoting it in any way is not a good thing.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.