22.28797% - Geek

There were questions that I had to answer affirmatively to, through no fault of my own. For example, I have been in a science competition due to the fact that in my high school, everyone had to enter the science fair in grade 9 and 10, and it's not my fault I went to a school where only 5 people in my grade were bright enough to make the honour roll, so it's not like there was much competition for winning the thing. Or some of the book questions -- I inherited some of those authors (Clarke, and Asimov) due to a friend moving, and he would have tossed them otherwise. But then, there were also things that I didn't check off due to a technicality, such as "I like to turn on my computer first thing in the morning." I never actually turn it off. Any of them. And I like to look at the uptime. There was a power outage at my apartment roughly 98 days and 8 hours ago. And, thanks to Lasik, I don't wear glasses any more -- I used to, and I did fix them myself, but even I had a difficult time spotting the repairs when I was done.

Oh, well. At least now when someone calls me a geek, I can tell them exactly what percentage geek I am.

I think that line just bumped me up a few points. *sigh*