Thanks for that information. They seem to have a pretty good deal. And thanks for the domain registrar information.

The reason I'd want telephone support is: If for some reason their data center is down, and I want to know why or get an estimate of when it'll be back up, then any online method for contacting them (email, web form, ICQ, etc) isn't going to work either. There's also the situation when I send a bunch of emails about a problem and I don't see a reply (or only see an autoresponder) in a reasonable amount of time. In that case I'd want the phone number handy.

I don't mind if the company prefers to do support online and discourages phone calls. I'd definitely be using that method most of the time. But for the times when the other methods don't work, nothing beats good old POTS.

For similar reasons, I'd also prefer a host that's physically based in the US.
Tony Fabris