Does the Bluetooth adapter you got support HID profile?
What brand is it?

If it does then....
What you need to do is first, in Bluetooth neighbourhood search for Bluetooth devices, once found, you should then be able to search the devices for available services (e.g. HID support, Com port support etc..) with the MS mouse and keyb it'd only have the HID service available.

At this point depending on the MS products it will either show you available services or try to initiate Pairing/Bonding.
If it tries to initiate a pairing/bonding, it will bring up a window asking for a passkey, look in the MS product documentation, there may be a default passkey you need to use that's already configured onto the mouse/keyb which is usually "0000". Enter it into the box, hit Enter or OK, it then should pair/bond the keyb n mouse.
You then should be able to see them in Bluetooth neighbourhood, and they will stay there even if you reboot.

If it doesn't initiate pairing/bonding itself, select the Bluetooth devices it found, look in the menus in Bluetooth Neighbourhood, usually “tools”, you should see a option to 'pair device' or 'bond device'

Once paired/bonded, you'll see the mouse/keyb in Bluetooth neighbourhood, if you right click them there should be an option to 'connect'. This should create a Bluetooth connection between the device and the computer.

It may even be that it connects automatically since it is a Bluetooth mouse/keyb. However this really does depend on the ms hardware, the above explanation is a generic way to connect Bluetooth devices.