Good luck with the neural net thing. What you really want is a system to allow you to object to a certain transition. If the empeg didn't hear anything from you, assume that the transition was fine. If you objected to it, never allow that transition again. If you have N songs, you have N*(N-1) possible transitions. You could also assume that if A->B is not allowed then B->A is also not allowed. Now you have N*(N-1)/2 transition pairs to remember. Each transition pair is only one bit of information (allow it / don't allow it). It would take an 8193 song collection for the transition info to exceed the size of a typical song, 4MB. To put it another way, you would need a collection greater than 671090 songs for the database to occupy more than 1% of your disk. Sounds like a winner to me. Who will do the source mods? I'll give it a go once I get some other things working first (just got the unit a couple of weeks ago).