Actually, one simple one that I would like is to be able to shuffle albums. In other words, choose a 'depth' in your playlist tree, and the player will randomly choose nodes that deep and play all the songs in that playlist (sequentially).

I think you might be able to do this right now.

Once upon a time, I was experimenting with shuffle modes. This was in the days before they gave us an immediate shuffle, before they reworked the shuffle code. But it might still work now. I complained about it at the time, but it does make sense as a feature.

Suppose you have a playlist called "Albums". And each album is a playlist beneath that list.

If you go into emplode and tag the "Albums" playlist with the "Always Randomize Contents" flag, but leave the albums themselves as sequential, then you deactivate shuffleplay and start the "Albums" playlist, it will shuffle the albums while leaving the songs within those albums sequential.

(Note, it doesn't have to be an "Albums" playlist. It could be the root top-level playlist if you wanted it to be.)

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris