Never mind the salespeople, it's the service departments that drive me bananas, I have a simple rule, never take out an extended warranty, never use the dealership once the warranty expires. In the near 40 years that I've been a car owner, it's the area of the operation that hasn't improved one bit: However much you think, I've got a better executive model, the service will be perfect, right up to a Bentley, you can assume it's rubbish. I want my cars competently serviced, not competently valeted - their are plenty of people around in little garages who are more than willing to do the work competently, 1/3 rd cheaper and make an effort, rather than just swap units.
Sorry to rant, but it happened again last week: simple job, two nights with a courtesy car, recovered twice, because they hadn't got the diagnosis right and returned the third day with a dented wing. And to make matters worst, as is the norm, I was lied to by the receptionist.
These places are run for the benefit of the staff, not the customer.
Politics and Ideology: Not my bag