I would have left that out. It only shows your emotion and doesn't contribute much to your argument.

All right -- it's grand finale time, and this is hilarious!

It turns out that our Mr. McCurley was a liar and a scam artist. He did not own the business he used as his point of sale, but was (note past tense) a contract salesman there, but not in the last several weeks.

The emails I had been sending him went into his defunct mailbox at the floor company and disappeared into never-never land.

The last email I sent, with the profanity in it, went to the company's system administrator because they have a filter on their incoming mail that automatically re-directs profane subject matter to him so he can take action against the sender! If I hadn't included that oh-so-profane paragraph, I would never have heard back from them.

When the SysAdmin contacted me, wondering who I was and why I was trying to collect money from their company, we were able to get it all straightened out. I talked to the real owner of the company, and he is as anxious to find Mr. McCurley as I am. Seems McCurley departed with about $3,000 worth of company property when he headed off into parts unknown. It also seems that he really did sell off most of his possessions (but apparently not his DVD player ) - and shipped the stuff to the buyers using the company's UPS account.

All I can do at this point is laugh. I really don't care about the $60 -- hell, I've gotten that much in entertainment value alone from this fiasco. I've taken actions to cause McCurley to have difficulty in any future eBay or PayPal activity, reported him to some kind of national internet fraud reporting agency (they claim that they will subsequently contact appropriate law enforcement agencies) and that's probably as far as things will go.

One last question, though... I have 80 characters available for eBay feedback. I am leaning towards: A thief, cheat, and a liar. Took my money, stole from his boss, and skipped town but I am concerned about starting a feedback pissing contest. I have 100% positive feedback now, and want to keep it that way. So is the satisfaction of sending such nasty feedback worth the risk to my own unblemished position, should he care to respond?

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"