Here's what it looks like:

Thanks for the pic and dimension info.

To continue the story nobody ever called me today. Around 2:30 I called and spoke with the same rude lady again. She told me that my carrier did not recall leaving the package or a notice and that she needed to speak with someone else about it and asked me to call back in half an hour. So I have been calling about every 15 minutes since 3:00 and their phone has been busy every time and they close in 5 minutes.

This would be amusing if it wasn't so pathetic. I wonder how it is possible that they don't know where a trackable package is? Shouldn't it get scanned or whatever on its way out if it was returned to sender? If I did go to the post office in person to pick it up as Mark suggested how would they find it? Arghh, anyway it looks like I will have to go there tomorrow and see if they are any more helpful in person.

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