Don't you love when you have to deal with a place that seems like they've never done what it is they are supposed to do before in their lives?

Yeah, this drives me crazy and it always seems to happen with any sufficiently large bureaucracy. I have the worst luck with getting the new guy or the guy that was just transferred in and has no idea what he is doing. This lady I have been talking to at the post office actually said to me something along the lines of "how am I supposed to find your package, do you realize how many packages there are here?". I was floored. I realize that dealing with the massive amount of packages and mail they process must be tough, but what do they normally do in a situation like this? If nobody knows where the package is, the tracking number is basically useless, and they aren't willing to go look for it where does that leave me? I am trying to get some guidance on how to get the package and what the normal procedure would be and this lady wants me to tell her how to go about finding the package! I haven't even been able to get a consistent answer on how long the it would stay there (assuming it is even there) before being returned to Mark!

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