Heh, my dad is an oral surgeon. He does a lot of cancer/reconstructive work, but wisdom teeth are his bread and butter. His favorite anisthetic isn't really an anesthetic at all, but a dissociative. You're awake, can answer questions, open wider, etc, but you don't remember ANY of it when you come around. My best friend and I had all four of our teeth pulled the same morning. Needless to say, I was pleased with the way things went, up to the time that my mom realised that she forgot to get my pain killer rx filled. Lucky for me dad could just call it in and go get it.

The coolest thing about the whole deal was that Keith had his pulled 30 minutes before I did, and since I grew up running around dads office, I had free reign of the place, so I walked into Keith's room and got to mess with him while he was going under. LOADS of fun and he doesn't remember any of it to this day. The funniest thing was when I unplugged his pulse/ox lead and his heartbeat went flat. You should have seen his eyes! Oh, and I forgot to mention, the anisthetic was developed in the nazi concentration camps as a truth syrum, it just happens to have all these handy side effects.

Anyway, I was eating hard foods the next day. It all depends on your surgeon. I for one would NEVER get a tooth pulled by a general dentist. They just don't do it enough to get good at it. I personally prefer to go to dentists that are about 60 years old. They've been doing their job a LONG time, and they're excellent at it. Usually.