Borislav, you're not the only one to suggest this. Being able to enter the playlist structure at the current level rather than the top level has been requested before.

I know, but I haven't seen a yes/no/buy us beer first reply from empeg (might have missed it) so I thought I'd bring it up again.

In your example, you've got things broken up into genres, artists, then albums. Why does it need to be that complicated?

It reflects the way I usually select music to play. I always play an entire album in order, no shuffles or random songs. I rarely know exactly what album I want to hear next, just the type of music (i.e. genre). Then I need to look at the artists in that genre to decide which one sounds appealing. Once I've narrowed it down to an artist, I need to look through the albums. Only when I see the name of the actual album I go "oh yeah, that's the one I want". So a genre/artist/album hierarchy is the most natural for me. I do the same with my physical CDs, btw.

Of course the tree isn't exactly balanced. If I want a pop album, then it's a no-brainer - I only have a single one of those. Now heavy metal is a different story at 34 albums.

Another way to look at this is that you have to make a compromise between depth and width of your tree. If I put all the artists in a single playlist then it'll be 42 items long and a real pain to navigate (from the player).

Do you really find yourself hitting the "play" button on those intermediate trees

Well, no, that was just a hypothetical example, but I often want to select another album from the same list as the one I just finished listening to (and not necessarily the next one). Different scenario, same feature.
