My neighbors are pretty cool. The guy next door seems nice enough and we say "hi" whenever we see each other. Other than that we keep to ourselves. On the other side I've seen those people about twice in the last year. I think they bought a house just to stay in on weekends or something! I actually have no idea since they're never there, but whatever floats their boat

The best is the guy two doors down from me. Tatoos up his arms, long goatee, shaved head, and multiple earrings. He really looks like a drug addict. My wife and I first met he and his wife/gf before we moved in. His apperance supprised me, but I figured, "Hey, whatever. Who am I to judge? If he can afford to buy a new house he can't be a total looser." As it turned out he was really nice and we hit it off pretty well. Finally I got around to asking what he did for a living and he said he's an undercover narcotics cop! Just goes to show that you can't judge a book by it's cover . . .

Edited by FerretBoy (22/09/2003 09:10)
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.