In Germany it's a pleasure to use RDS with all it's functions.
But only once my AF worked. Oh yes, I thought of setting the RDS-thing in Hijack correctly and everywhere switched it on but it doesn't work. Is it broken? I use 3alpha and Hijack 340.
The one time it worked was with Version 2beta2 and Hijack 340.

Then I would like to understand how those RDS-signals are stored. I could imagine it's stored in the flash. What exactly is stored there? Should I wait for a strong signal to gather all RDS information before storing? Are the AF-frequencies stored, too? Or does AF work in another way?

Technical questions, maybe wrong here, don't know.
But I think the internals of how the tuner is working (with RDS) should be of interest for many people here.

Connecting Empeg via Bluetooth or Wireless LAN
*** Proud owner of the European Worst Install Trophy 2003 ! ***