I was confused while reading this... you mention "retagging" to get things to read properly into Palantir. But "tags" as in ID3 tags are not used by the empeg once the files are on the player. So, when you mention "fix the tags" do you really mean "fix the data in your database" or "fix the ID3 tags on the mP3 file and replace the file on the empeg"?
I'm still waiting for Sony to mail me my Clie's installation CD, so I havn't been able to play with this yet, but I imagine that even if I had a 50% larger file (as mentioned in another post) I'd consider it worth it if I could get Palantir to mimic my empeg's playlist structure. Of course, it's easy for me to say that since I wouldn't have to write anything!
Another petty request would be to have an install script ala emphatic, but your instructions are simple enough.