Hey, do you think it would be possible to put the track listing into the lyrics format for your lyrics viewer, so that as the track progressed you actually got information about what track you were listening to? I could also put in some compilation notes and easter eggs as well... Does the lyrics viewer allow you to keep a line scrolling on the screen for a long time?
Damn you. I *totally* had this exact thought last night whilst downloading your newer mixes. But I didn't want to say anything because I thought it'd be a neat surprise if I actually ever got it working.

As it is now, the lyrics code in emphatic has a "minimum speed" that things need to scroll. If there are several minutes between consecutive timestamps, the first line will have scrolled off screen long before the second line scrolls in. This is not what we would want for mixes. It turns out that the lyrics field is probably the best place to put this info, but the horizontal scrolling fashion might be a bit limiting for this particular application. I have something else in mind for how this might look, but I'm not going to say much right now, because I have about a dozen other things I said I'd do but haven't done yet.

But at the minimum, I could remove the rather arbitrary lower bounds on scrolling, so if you did embed mix info in the lyrics frame, it'd show up and scroll v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y. Might look kinda funny but it'd get the job done.

In response to your question, I prefer the mixes as one big long file. I don't split them up.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff