well, this is very exciting. i've successfully created an upgrade file containing v3a3, hijack345+ext3, and a hda5 pump image containing the standard stuff plus e2fsck-utils1.32 (for support of ext3) and roger's base.tar.gz. right now, im right now trying to modify the builder upgrade to make a 32MB hda5 partition instead of 16MB. just need to find where the scripts are. i'm guessing the partitioning scripts are on the ramdisk.

i FULLY understand why the empeg guys didnt want anyone to distribute custom upgrade files. someone malicious can cause ALL kinds of trouble (i.e. hose your music partitions, trojanize your empeg, etc). so for the time being, this is for my own use and learning. but i'm sure that the PMs are going to come.

EDIT: i'm starting to think that the partition table creation is hard coded in the flash of the empeg or something, and some part in the upgrade file triggers it.

Edited by image (20/10/2003 23:30)