From the Lousy Proofreading Department, I submit to you the November page of this year's Despair, Inc. "Demotivators" calendar, which has two (to me) glaring errors.
Friday 11/7: "Mark Twains nears completion of his first novel..."
Wednesday 11/19: "The 'Little Red-Haired Girl' is first introduced as the object of Charlie Brown's undying but inrequieted affection."
I guess I can understand how someone could goof up "unrequieted" (although the spell checker is a marvelous invention.) But "Mark Twains?" Sheesh, give the man some respect.
There's another one that I'm not quite sure is gramatically incorrect, maybe our Head Grammarian can provide a ruling?
Saturday 11/1: "Jeff Bezos reluctantly decides to name his new venture Amazon after his lawyer convinces him that his first choice, Cadabra, sounded too much like a dead end."
Is there any good reason to switch to past tense here? It seems awkward to me.