Thank you very much for so many answers. I feel informed and will test if a slice of lemon will giving me a chance of drinking this water. It could be that this water shouldn't be drunken, but on the other hand I believe that I will get no damage of it when drinking it for a maximum of two weeks. I will also ask for springwater, natural water and distilled water. Maybe they have a bottle of this water and it tastes a bit better, even when there are no minerals inside (this can be compensated by the vine or some coctails ;-)).

Nevertheless, I could imagine staying the rest of my life in the USA (carrying many bottles of german water with me). But looking at my budget, I will start again for no more than two weeks.

By the way: No posting of me has caused so much response like this one. So this subject seems to be interesting for many people. Water is life, I agree...

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