DO a Search on Google for "LameB Package". I think I might have found the link on the Hydrogen Audio Forums, so you could also try searching there. This is a DOS batch encoder using Lame. It is a pain in the a$$ to setup, but once you get it working you will wonder how you lived without it. I usually rip until I done messing around on the computer or the hard drive is pretty full. I then just run the .bat routine and when I wake up in the morning my music is all encoded, tagged, and put into directories ARTIST\ALBUM. The script is customizable so what can be done is really amazing. I could tell you alot more but you are better going out and learning about it on your own and then if you decide you want to use it, I will try to answer any specific questions. Otherwise if I start telling you about it now, you probably will shy away from using it.......DON'T. I am by no means a computer whiz and I figured it out.....Who knows maybe you will think it is easy.

When you are searching be aware that there is two versions. One is just plain old LameB and the other is LameB Package. LameB requires getting Perl running and is what I originally used. But someone on Hydrogen Audio Put together a bundle that does not require you download and install any extra elements hence it is easier to get working.
That is the link to the thread that talks about the package.


MK2 12Gb
MK2a 60Gb