I wanted to stay out of this, and it's clear that you are gonna be pissed about it until you get a free AR faceplate, but here's my input:

The AR faceplate won't make your display magically readable in direct sunlight. This is a problem in every head unit i've ever seen. I can read my empeg display with no AR in direct sun, with effort, but no more effort than my high end sony CD head unit, which is actually more washed out in the same sunlight. Your implications that the faceplate is essentially "hosed" without the AR is where i find fault in your otherwise good argument. If you base your argument solely on the fact that it was assumed by you that because the mark 1 had AR that the mark 2 would despite it not being advertised as such, that also falls through, and bringing in the fact that the tuner was advertised is irrelevant to this issue, but is indeed a very valid point. (i for one would rather wait and recieve a much better more featured tuner than get a crappy one NOW.)

It's not a faulty design simply because in some instances it doesn't work as well as you'd like it to. Had empeg claimed it was there and it wasn't, you'd be 100% correct. Comparing it to Firestone is a stretch... a better comparison would be if the black color on the tires faded to a gray in a short amount of time after you purchased the tires. Saying it's like the tire ripping to shreds is too much. If the empeg caught your car on fire, that would be a valid point.

empeg is making good on the actual faulty design points, such as the loom wires coming loose, the rotating knob problem, and the null modem cable mix up to name just a few. If those aren't examples enough to prove how commited they are to making good on their mistakes, then nothing else will be.

The replacement screen will cost you ~$16. I personally don't even feel i need the AR screen, but if i did, 16 bucks would be nothing to pay for a feature that wasn't promised you in the first place. For the amount of service Empeg is giving for free, you should be more than happy to not even have to pay full price. Most companies would charge you a price for even a quarter of the amount of service they have been giving. Suck it up man.

|| loren.cox
|| 080000446
|| loren ||