I was just curious what you guys were playing at the moment. The holiday season is pretty much over, and many of us received games from friends, relatives, or ourselves

So what if I'm not a "kid" anymore? I can still ask for Mario Kart for Christmas!!
So that's game #1: Mario Kart: Double Dash. Very fun, thought there's something of a learning curve if you were really into the first two games. Also the computer is insanely difficult at higher CCs. I was able to beat all the cup races except for a couple mirror cups (which I haven't gotten to yet) in a day or two, but it wasn't without much frustration.
#2: Prince of Persia. Looks very cool, just started it. The camera looks like it could get annoying, and it's sometimes a bit tough to tell what to do next, but the time stuff is so cool. I never get tired of running on walls.
#3: Viewtiful Joe.
Holy crap!! No, that's not excitement over how good the game is, that's amazement over how difficult it is! I've fought the
first level boss about 25 times now and still can't get past it. I've read message boards and game FAQs, and found out that I'm doing it right, more or less, but despite one match where I hit this boss about 50-60 times, I still died. These days I'm not looking for frustratingly difficult games. I'm looking for something enjoyable, even if it's easy. Which brings me to:
#4: Max Payne 2. I actually never played the first game, so I'm not sure why I wanted this one. I'm glad I did though! This is my favorite of all of them so far. This game was just a pleasure to play. Yeah it was pretty easy and short, but it's just so good that that doesn't matter. I especially appreciated the generous amount of saving you can do at any point you want, making it quick to replay a failed segment. This is the first computer game in a long while that I haven't gotten bored with and cheated my way through the last half. I did cheat on the two harder difficulty levels, but cheating is part of the fun for me, and I only wanted to see the alternate ending.
Anyway, sorry for the long post. I'd just love to hear what other people are playing, and maybe get some ideas for games I'd like to try.