the games I bought are older because they're cheaper. Right now I'm playing Eternal Darkness
Hey, the best part about Eternal Darkness is that supposedly it didn't sell very well when it was released, despite being a very, very good game. The sanity effects only get better throughout the game, as well. The actual attacking and fighting of enemies is the weak point of the game, I think, but just in that it's a bit repetitive. It's still fun to blast the hell out of zombies.

And I'd also suggest picking up the rerelease of Resident Evil for Gamecube. It was completely overhauled for the new system, and really looks beautifully scary. My roommate and I play it with the lights out (we have to wait for night to play it), and it scares us more than most horror movies do.

Tell me about the alternate ending, though. I didn't replay the game on the higher difficulty settings.
*SPOILERS* This is a spoiler for the actual ending as well:

In the first two difficulty levels, Max and Mona get to the manor, Vlad shoots Mona and Woden, Max goes and kills Vlad, Max comes back to see Mona die in his arms.

In the third difficulty level, it ends the same way, except Max comes back after killing Vlad and Mona gets up. She doesn't die.

This makes me wonder how the sequel will go. The end of the credits implies that there will be another game, so I don't know which story they'll follow. I suspect they'll kep Mona alive. Hell, she died in the first game, didn't she? She's also too kick-ass and sexy to kill off

I actually had a lot of fun cheating my way through to get the alternate ending. And you know, with all that ammo, my favorite weapons were the dual desert eagles. They're so much fun!