Wow, I was just complaining about this to a fellow male member of the staff here. We share a bathroom with the rest of the floor, and it used to be absolutely disgusting. Forget the seat, every day I had to decide which of the three urinals had the least piss on the floor. That's just sick. Are these people trying to aim from four feet away or something??
Oddly, though, there was an incident that caused the building company to lock the bathrooms and require the businesses on the floor to have keys to get into them. Now the problem has been cut to less than 25% of what it was. I'm not sure why, though. Are people holding it until they get home? I actually suspect it's because delivery men, usually in a big rush, no longer use the bathrooms and wait until they get to a building where they can.
There's also a story relating to one of your pet peeves. For a while, we'd go into the bathroom and right at the door there would be a pile of used, crumpled up paper towels. This was odd and an bit annoying. Finally the same male staff member mentioned earlier saw a guy leave the bathroom and throw a towel on the floor. My co-worker stopped him and asked why he was doing that. The guy said it was because most people don't wash their hands when the leave the bathroom (true, though) and he didn't want to touch the handle to the door. The point was made that his practice was almost as rude, and the simple solution was the take the damn towel with him back to his office and throw it away there! Duh.
As you can see, Bitt, I'm also a man with pet peeves

Hell, I started a huge thread about the idiosyncrasies of people in relation to butter storage