I seem to remember there being some way to see exactly what is being run at startup (aside from the "Startup" program folder). What was it?
I listed them earlier in the thread. The ways something can run at startup are:

- Startup group.
- Load= and Run= lines in win.ini.
- A group of registry entries with names all starting with RUN.

The location of the run registries are HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion, and there are several of them.

The trick with messing with the registry is that there are some entries which are supposed to be there and you'll kill your system if you delete the wrong ones. Since the correct answer to this question varies from system to system, this is the farthest I can go with support on this. Perhaps there's a web site that covers this in detail that someone could link for you.
Tony Fabris