Thanks Al Franken for supporting the freedom of speech of someone who has their own PR machine and appears on TV 24/7 giving speeches and engaging in debates. We all know that Dean hasn't had a chance at expressing himself.

Remember people, freedom of speach only applies to Democrats. I know you were probably taught in high school that freedom of speach was to prevent the government from restricting expression of individuals, either public or private. And I'm sure you learned that there are limitations to that right to protect the rights of others (ie, you can't yell "FIRE!" in a crowded movie theater). NEWS FLASH: It no longer has anything to do with the government anymore. Now, it means that, as a private citizen, you are not allowed to interupt a Democrat. Don't worry, you can still picket and heckle Bush's speaches, that's differant. Don't ask how, it just is. Oh, and if you own a radio station or record company, that means you have money, so you're evil. And that means that you no longer have the freedom to dictate what message your medium puts out. So you are required, by Congress to play the Dixie Chicks even if you don't want to and even if your listeners don't want you to. Don't worry, you can refuse to play Rush Limbaugh, that's differant. Don't ask how, it just is.
Brad B.