So it turns out this story, and everything you got mad about, was complete and utter bullshit. The NY Post article failed to mention that Franken got struck first by this very violent guy and he was defending himself.

Wow, I knew the conservative media lies every time they write anything at all, but I underestimated them even now. They completely left out all the details and made Franken look like the agressor. The thought that Franken would have done this as they said was ludicrous, and I bought it hook line and sinker anyway. You know, Franken spent some time ragging on the Post in his last book, and I guess this is payback; they have have done an excellent job of smearing him without actually lying outright just by quoting him out of context and giving a distorted and incomplete version of the story.

I am ashamed I doubted Franken. This is exactly the kind of thing he exposes so well in Lies And The Lying Liars Who Tell Them. I apparently have not learned the lessons he has presented about the conservatives consistant lying.
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