Alright so here it is:

I click on "Stream" next to a track I want to play. A dialog pops up and says: "Download '<Track Name>.m3u to the 'My Documents' folder in Main Memory?" There is a checkbox for "Open file after download" which, by default, is checked. My options are "Yes" "Change" (I assume that is the location where the song would be saved) and "Cancel"...

After I click "Yes" it IMMIDIATLY (as in, there is no download of a full song) opens up my media player that supports m3u, PocketMVP. There is an error that says, "File Error: This file is of an unknown format" My only option out of this window is "OK".

After clicking "OK" it says. "AtiCore attach failed" with the only option out of that window also being "OK".

After clicking okay a few times now, it's clear to me that the program has locked up...

Soooo... End result is that it dosen't work. Somewhere along the line I heard that it must not be a true streaming file either that or it was not in a supported format. I looked on the author of the program's website and in regard to what types of streaming media are supported it said:

Icecast(1+2)/Shoutcast support[ed]

Could this be related to why it's not working? Again, I realize this is probably not a huge issue for anyone, but it would be interesting to know exactly why it's not working for me...