Yep; for anybody reading this, the whole "virgin birth" ship has sailed (to mix a metaphor).

I disagree. Though I don't buy into the Crhistian view of the world (virgin birth, 6-day timeline on creation, etc.), I don't see the scientists coming up with anything better...

"Before the big bang, there was nothing. And then that nothingness exploded."

I don't think either side has a lock on the award for "Least Believeable Explanation". While I do tend to lean more towards science, lets be honest: an you prove Christianity isn't right? That there wan't a virgin birth? Just because science has proven some things, it hasn't made an inch of headway towards proving the Christian god doesn't exist. Or the Norse gods. Or really any of the Egyptian, Sumerian, Aztec, etc.

Just remember that everything (even science) comes down to a matter of faith. I may not care for it when Christians smugly point out that they "know" the Earth is only 4,000 years old, but I hate it just as much when I hear scientists talk about "proving" the universe is 12 billion years old. And then they "prove" there are stars which are 15 billion years old.

And then they sit there blinking, confused.