Hey Tony,

First thanks to both you and Mark for doing all of this, I would have been up a creek without you guys. I am moving to the Bay Area in a couple of months, if I recall you are out there too. Maybe we can hook up at a meet or something.

My playlists came back, but they were all screwed up. All of the music is there and available, but if I looked under better than half of the artist for example the albuns were empty. I had artists gruped into genres, and they were all moved around or not associated with the genre. So I just started to go through and put them back in their categories, which isn't terrible, but for 600 albuns dragging and dropping them around in an explorer type interface is not the best way. I was just wondering if anybody had come up with anu other means of arranging playlists.

MkIIA 60 GB Smoke MkIIA 120 GB Blue