I can see it is loading the new kernel; I don't know if this also implies showing the new bootimage

It doesn't work on my player when I try it. It just restarts the player but doesn't fully reboot the unit. Kind of useless for my purposes.

I tried reverse-engineering the bytes that EmpegUpgrade.EXE sends to the player to make it reboot, but I think I'm doing it wrong or something. The bytes I see it sending are:

19 0d 0a 02 2c 8b 43

But when I send those bytes to the player with my code, it just sits there happily playing music and doesn't do anything. I think there's probably some handshaking that needs to go on, and I just don't know what that handshaking needs to be.

Hugo, are you listening? What do I do in this situation?

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris