Thanks for the info, Hugo.

Okay, I discovered that the reason "R" didn't do the trick for me was that I had a modified init. When I re-installed 1.01 developer with the default init, "R" now properly reboots the kernel after the end of a flash. Cool. So that's half of what I wanted to know.


Now how do I get a flash upgrade to work without a power cycle? R still doesn't work for this purpose, at least when I try it.

You said that the start of the upgrade sequence goes like this:

Power on, go into flasher
Flash all areas necessary

But the upgrade program does one extra step before power on that you didn't list, and that's what I'm asking for.

The upgrader has the ability to begin the flash upgrade without having to apply power. And from looking at its serial output, it doesn't look like it sends an "r" to do this. If I send an "R" to the player, it just restarts the player and I never get the magic "Peace..." string which tells me it's OK to begin flashing.

How do I tell the player to begin accepting a flash upgrade without a power cycle? Is there some sort of complex handshaking I need to do? Does it require the "r" and then something else that I don't know about yet? Please help, I'm stumped!

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris