Okay, I spent another day with the board and I think I've got everything dialed in the way I like it. I'm basically back to centering everything on the little marks, back foot 0 angle, front foot 15 angle, and I'm all good to go.
I had a fantastic day of carving turns in buttery snow under gorgeous clear skies. The new board is light, springy, and responsive, and I was able to do a lot of stuff I haven't been able to do before.
My only remaining issue with my stance setup is a slightly nagging problem where the pinky toe on my right foot (goofy foot forward) stayed numb most of the day. I don't think it was related to the tightness of the boot, because I loosened it and loosened the straps on the binding and it didn't change. It was something about they way things are when I'm carving that just cuts off the circulation to that toe. I seem to recall this happening with rental boards and boots, too, and I thought it was just those crappy rental boots. Now it's happening with a completely different kind of boot and binding. So I'm not certain what the cause might be.
I should find an anatomy reference so I can find what artery supplies the pinky toe and trace it back to the source of the problem.

The only bad news is that one of those fancy complicated
K2 bindings malfunctioned today. The cable that holds the tension on the backplate tends to sneak out of the back latch sometimes. You can't see it well at the link above, but there's a kind of metal "crimp" on the cable that's supposed to keep it more or less in place as you latch and unlatch the binding. But at one point it was halfway out of the back latch when I flipped it into place, and it kind of got stuck and bent funny. Now getting in and out of that binding involves an unnatural amount of fiddling with the cable.
The good news is that I stopped by the snowboard shop on the way home and they're just gonna take care of it for me. (This is the reason I bought it where I did of course.)