In the UK there is no mention of a specific time in reguards to warranties, it just says "a reasonable time for the product" and is capped at 6 years. So you can ignore the 1 year warranty, it's just a red herring!

It's not hard and fast in this respect, I spoke to two different TSO's and they both offered slightly different interpretations. If the item is classified as a computer accessory (by whom??) then the rules are different. Also warranty is a funny one in the UK, unless the product is advertised by the seller as having a specific warranty you cannot assume it has one, and I was told by TSO not to mention the warranty as an issue in my rejection letter.

Anyway I don't care, I've got my new Karma (from Amazon) connected up and synching, so I'll have something decent to listen to on the way home.

Thanks again for everybodys concern, I definitely didn't get anything like this on the Apple forums when I had problems with my crapPod

Edited by epwc (04/03/2004 08:18)