OK, found a fix for this problem. I took one of those cheap line level convertors, you know the one that you can run speaker level outputs into and it converts it to RCAs, bypassed the converter part of it and took the speaker leads off and replaced then with some RCAs. I picked the unit I used because it has two pots on it to adjust the output and in a sence that is what I needed. Just got done putting it in and it works like a champ. I just plugged it in inbetween the CD player and the RIOs AUX input, played some music on both and adjusted the gian so that the volume was the same while switch between the RIO and the CD player. I verified things by using the info display for the AUX input on the RIO and it looks much better now. So far I can not tell if there is any loss in sound quality because I did not do a good listening test as it was getting late. The little bit I did listen it sounded pretty darn good. Not sure if this will be any use to anyone but just in case someone else runs into this problem the fix seems to be pretty easy.