Okay. The boot logs look a little scrambled, but from what I am guessing:

a) you had a single 30GB drive
b) you are adding an 80GB drive
c) you built the 80GB drive
d) you tried hooking the two drives up and tried to copy the files

At only one point in all of the boot logs do I see a 30GB drive. The rest of it is all 80GB.

With the 30GB disconnected, try syncing one mp3 file to the new 80GB. Verify that works first.

If that works, reconnect the 80 and 30. Boot. Do not use emplode, drop directly to shell. Force everything to read/write and try your copy again. Does that copy work / any errors?

If the copy works, you now have duplicate material on both drives. Again disconnect the 30 and try booting from the 80 only. Check to see that all your music was copied. If that works...

Reconned the 30. Boot, ignoring any errors. In shell, go into the 30 and delete everything from the fids directory. Only do this after testing that everything was copied to the 80 first!!! With the fids directory empty, reboot and resync.
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs