Oh, in regards to setting up a wireless connection, yeah, you can do it. Are you close to the school? You'll still have to contend with distance issues there, but it's feasible, even if you had to get directed antennas to enhance the distance. There would be a number of ways to do it:
1. Wireless interface to school's LAN. You'd be one the same network as the school. Easiest.
2.Wireless interface to a separate LAN. Your LAN would be separate from the school's. You'd have to get more IP addresses from the ISP or split the network that's being given. You could conceivably run it over the same ethernet as the school LAN and still have it separate, but you'd preferably want a separate interface from the router, which you probably don't have.
3. Wireless interface to school's LAN using your own router. I think that the 2600 can do NAT, but it may require software that wasn't purchased. If you get your own, you'd be pretty well isolated from the school LAN and the rest of the internet. Remember that neither ISP nor any of the equipment there is likely to be performing any firewalling services. I think I'd go this route.
4. You could also run a cable from the school, but ethernet has a max distance of 100m, IIRC, so that may not be much better than wireless anyway.
Bitt Faulk