I had to sign a Patriot Act document saying I was who I said I was
I just asked my wife about this. She had an interesting take on it.

It's a proof-of-ID form, something that you already have to provide during the loan process, so you're right, it's redundant beauracratic paperwork. However, it has an interesting benefit...

Before this form, your proof of identity happens at the end of the loan process, at the moment when you sign with the notary. With this form, you have to show your ID at the beginning of the process instead.

My wife says that three times this year so far, it's allowed her to discover that the people had expired IDs. Because it was discovered at the beginning of the process instead of the end, it was discovered soon enough for the borrower to correct the problem and save the loan before the lock expired.

I mean, I agree with you, I'm not saying everything about the Patriot act is bunnies and rainbows, I just wanted to bring up an interesting side-effect it had.
Tony Fabris