Personally, I've heard of plenty of cases where it has been successful (and I assume there are plenty more we'll never hear about for 30 years) and very few cases of someone seriously wronged.

Please tell me about those successes. I'm sure the 600 or so people being indefinitely detained at Guantanamo without being charged with a crime, without access to any legal representation will be greatly relieved to find out that our government is taking care of us.

Guantanamo is just one of many illegal detention centers. There are thousands of people all over the world being similarly incarcerated and tortured.

How many people have actually been found guilty and convicted of terrorist acts under the ministrations of the US Secret Police (oh, excuse me, Homeland Security)? And of that number, how many were really significant threats as opposed to being run through a rubber-stamp "legal" procedure in order to boost Bush's credibility?

I have more respect for the guys that opposed either the Patriot Act or the war in Iraq from the beginning

Well, at least we agree on something. I was against this whole adventure from the beginning. The day the Patriot Act was passed was when I started telling people, "Well, Osama won." The earliest of my posts on this bbs I could find with a quick search will support my claim to wartime opposition.

As for Bush's war on Iraq... why the hell didn't he attack Costa Rica instead? They have a much smaller army, the war would have been incomparably easier from a logistical point of view, and Costa Rica had just as much to do with the events of 9/11 as Iraq did.

Oh, and Brad -- please do not feel that I am attacking you. I have respect for you and your willingness to express your opinions when you know full well that you will take a lot of heat for it. I respect you -- just not your politics!

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"