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And on a side note, for some reason the only MP3s (and, thus, their respective CDs) I have which sound good are the ones that sound LOUD. My REM collection sounds flat and weak because they are quiet; even if I turn up the volume. But my, say, Rush "Test for Echo" or Incubus "Morning View" sound really engrossing because they are loud. I did read the FAQ entries on audio compression, but am I missing something? Should I just turn the volume knob up when REM comes on and turn it down for Incubus in order to maintain the same level of audio presence? Or is the very core source of the REM CD's just plain bad recording?

If you like "loud" recordings, run your REM albums through some hard limiting software. Experiment with the settings. You will probably want to get the loudest portions to average -10 - -12 dB if you want them to match the "volume" of those loud recordings you mentioned.

If you want it to break, buy Sony!