Reading throught this lot reminds me in a way of the history of cycling.

About 80 years ago there was the safety bike with it's diamond frame and upright ineffiecent cycling position and then some bright spark invented the recumbant bike with a low centre of gravity and effiecent cycling position and superior aerodynamics.

This then went onto wipe the floor with the safety bikes so it was banned by the cycleing authorities from competion because it was fundamentally better.

And now in this day the most popular form of bike is the good old diamond framed safety bike. And recumbants are still banned from cycling races.

Just because it is better doesn't mean that they are going to accept it

If i ever decide to take my cars to competions in the UK i will have my mates Alpine 7909L on standby in the boot if they don't like the Empeg.

The alpine only plays one CD but it sounds great must be the Burr Brown DACs just like the empeg