(long time reader, first time poster)

Question: Is there a way to set default volume/tone levels?

Problem: With DisplayServer installed, the volume hack is also in there, which I do like, but the default volume is only 50%. This is a problem when hooked into the stereo, as the volume is very low. My wife compensated by turning the volume way up. Along comes my daughter, who puts Shrek DVD dts in and switches the input over. BOOM! I thought the sub was going to explode! No damage, but next time, who knows...

Solution: I either need to remove the volume hack, or figure out how to set power up defaults (currently 50% on all) to be a different values. The latter being more preferable.

Can anyone assist me with this?

More about DisplayServer:
I have the Dell model, and I have installed DisplayServer. This is a cool thing, though I am creating a new interface for it that is more refined and compact. Also thinking of an executable, for WindowsXP (sorry penguin lovers) so that you do not have to use the browser. This should be easy. The new interface I have designed will look more like a cd player program, not unlike the original MediaPlayer.
