Is it really that tough to make it 555? Why is that so hard in the first place?

You're kidding me, right? No, of course its not difficult. The entire 128x32 bitmap was not difficult (attached, with what could be my real number, but someone will just have to pull a Beavis to find out)

<eerie parallel>

After an hour-long lecture about Schrödinger's Cat in a senior philosophy course once, a self-styled sorority-Barbie(TM) intellectual puts up her hand and boldly asks, as if it had slipped the professor's mind: " happened to the cat?"

After laundering my drawers, I vowed never to be surprised at people's capacity to miss the point ever again.

</eerie parallel>

reminds me of a Simpsons episode when Chief Wiggum is conducting a trace and the first 3 numbers are 555 so he cancels mid-trace because it's obviously a fake number

Yah, I LOVED that one. Even better was discovering some of my friends didn't understand WHY it was funny, even though they know about the "555" convention used in most fictional media.

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