Maybe we could borrow some ideas from the slimp3 device? They support synchrotnized playback:

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To synchronize multiple players, combine the "start" and "pause" codes (0x03) to tell the player to fill its buffer without playing anything. Then, send "resume" commands to each of the players to make them unpause the stream. You can specify a delay in ms before the command takes effect, if necessary.

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Version 2.3 is finished. This release adds two long awaited features, a MacOSX Aqua interface, plus the ability to synchronize multiple players. For our MacOSX customers, we are now shiping the SliMP3 software as a proper standalone application, with a nice Aqua interface for controlling the server software. Just drag it to your hard disk to install. You can also put in your dock.

_________________________ - clublife, revisited.