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Although the old adage "Nothing's uglier than a Vega" still holds true, those Aztecs sure to come a close second for all-time ugliness.

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Of course, Pontiac does have a fine tradition of ugly cars, just look at the Firebird (normally the prettier sibling, IMHO) in '69, '79-81, and anything since about '97 or '98.

Hmm, I thought the PT Cruiser was one of the worst looking cars I have seen lately, while the new Firebirds haven't been that bad. And the Aztek is interesting, and has a look I like quite a bit. Guess it just has to be the look of "Hey, I didn't go back 50 years to copy the look, I made something new".
Besides, the PT Cruiser only got the looks from the past. I'm sure it would be crushed badly compaired to the old massive 50 year old cars :-)

Guess it all has to do with the generation gap between us though. At least we all recognise the best car stereo on the market :-)