OK - so after struggling w/ jreceiver/trio/rioplay/reza's rrr; and not having much luck actually navigating the music w/ any of them (comeon; I've got 10000 mp3's.. ever try sorting through that many??), here's my usage -

I'm running rioplay talking to jreceiver (although I'm not really using jreceiver.. ) here's how I *am* using it -

I'm also running streamsicle http://streamsicle.com/index.shtml

rioplay has two main stream configured in /etc/streams.cfg - the streamsicle url, and a second streamsicle url which is actually same url, with streamsicle's built-in sleep timer...

(SO -
<title>MVStream (sleep 60)

Streamsicle has a very cool web interface which lets you 'request' songs or cd's, but plays randomly if you choose not to. It's very good about keeping the order of a cd and playing tracks in order if you choose to request an entire cd; and has features such as a quick search, and finding id3 tag info on current song/finding directory that the song came from and requesting more songs from it/etc..

..and if I want rio to go to sleep; I choose the second stream...

Check it out guys; definately worth looking at...

http://mvgals.net - clublife, revisited.