I agree, the "proper thing" is to have Rio release the updated software.

That said, I'm not holding my breath for any software releases. SB has discontinued the central, and thus have no pressing economic reason to support it. 1.04 has been talked about on this BBS for nearly a year now. If they intended to support their users and release 1.04, they would have.

It's too bad since I have close to 10 SB products, and not releasing this fix reflects badly upon the SonicBlue brand.
I'm going to be in the market soon to get one of those 40g players, and I'm not sure their current level of support is good enough to justify their price premium (the karma is priced high) in the market.

Ok, I went pretty far afield in that one. The bottom line is that I'd rather hack it than hope for a fix that doesn't seem like it's coming.