
I have some 6000 MP3s that have been MP3gained (radio, 87db) which I use in my car very nicely. I also have FLACs for the same songs to use in my home. The FLACs have no replay gain information. My car MP3s and FLACs for home have identical directory and base names, except for the extensions (of course).

I'm looking for a way to transfer the information stored in my MP3s by the latest MP3Gain, to equivalent vorbis comments in my FLACs. Any automated way to do this (e.g. using tag.exe that ships with FLAC)? If not, I would be willing to write the code to do this, but I need information to tell me how to translate the info stored by MP3Gain to the appropriate vorbis comments in my FLACs. Will greatly appreciate any help!
