I've had several inquiries on the stuff not too many suggesting price/value on things.
Lenses - as I recall, even at Rio, the Green & Blue were impossible to find.
Bag's - yes that's really a blue bag. I suppose I should hang on to one of them for my own use. Someone said $40.... going once...
As to the home system, I would think that RobV or Hugo might remember if from CES to verify but, yes, it sounds huge. Much more powerful than my home stereo in fact. I use it to supply music for the entire house when I have had big parties (3 story house) and the neighbors complained... so I put on music they liked so they would shut up (har).
I'll keep fielding inquiries for a while to try and get a sense of the value. I want everyone to get a chance.

Someone was kind enough to suggest the basic prices for the stuff if you got it new (in a PM) so maybe I'll summarize that tomorrow.